How To Raise A Golden Retriever Puppy?

How To Raise A Golden Retriever Puppy? - TheFurryPuppy

The Golden Retriever, America’s best-loved dog breed, is a Scottish Gundog by origin. It is well known for its gleaming golden coat. Well, if this wasn’t enough to appeal your heart, its affectionate, playful, gentle, loyal, and caring nature will definitely will.

If you’ve adopted a golden retriever recently, you’re in for a treat. These precious furry pups are popular worldwide for their adoring temperament. They are people pleasers and are sure to be your best therapist ever. They are very mindful of children and other pets. Their truly pure and gentle souls will surely win your heart in no time.

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Tips to Raise your golden retriever

Golden Retrievers are adorable dog breeds, but with lots of love comes a big responsibility. Caring for your golden retriever won’t be difficult once you get the hang of it. I’ve listed a care plan just to make things easy for you.

1. Grooming

Grooming is as essential for pets as it is for humans. Here’s a step-by-step guide of how you should groom your retriever buddy.

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2. Brush

Before bathing your flat-coated retriever, you must brush its coat. It’s important to brush off the dead fur before washing them. It will help them get extra clean and soft, further maintaining their luster. You can also brush them again once they are wet just after a fresh bath. It will further remove any remaining dead fur. then, pat it try and that’s all!

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3. Bath

You should bathe your retriever only if it is 8 weeks or above. You don’t need to bathe your golden Retriever every day. They must be bathed not more than twice a month. It is because they have natural oils which protect their skin and fur. Bathing them daily can strip them of their natural oils further damaging and causing infection on their skin.

Make sure to use a pet-friendly shampoo and not the ones made for us. Gently massage the shampoo all over their body, and once that’s done, wash it off with some lukewarm water. While washing its face, cover their ears so that water doesn’t seep in. You can pour water over their head instead of directly splashing it on their face.

4. Nail Trimming

You must trim their nails unless you want them scratching you or others. It’s advisable to trim them when they are wet and less brittle. I recommend you trim their nails post shower.

There are numerous videos on nail trimming you can watch on youtube if you don’t know how to trim dog nails.

5. Ear Cleaning

After a bath, you must clean their ears to wipe off the excess water. If you don’t, it may lead to an ear infection.

6. Diet

The healthier your retriever’s diet, the happier and playful your retriever will be. If it’s your first dog, you will have doubts about “What’s good for my dog?”, “Will he choke on the meal I serve him?”, “what foods are toxic for dogs?”, etc. In that case, let me tell you what foods can harm your pet.

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Foods that should not be given to your pets

Onion, any form of alcohol, processed meats, raw fish, macadamia nuts, avocado, caffeine, cherries, chocolate and cocoa, garlic, grapes, nutmeg, salt, potato, star fruit, tomatoes, walnuts, yeast dough, rhubarb leaves, shallots, leeks, chives, xylitol, raisins, and mushrooms should be completely avoided.

Foods that should be included in your pet’s diet

Speaking of foods that should be given to your Golden Retriever, you must provide them protein-rich diets, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Foods like chicken, beef, lamb, salmon, pork, grains, dairy products like yogurt and cheese, vegetables, and fruits is what I highly recommend.

The meat should be cooked (except for pork) and the fish should be served raw for max nutrition.

Furthermore, there are various dog supplements available solely for golden retrievers. You can visit a pet shop or ask your nutritionist for the perfect recommendation.

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If you’re a new dog parent or a busy working professional, you won’t know how to or have time to train your dog. In that case, it would be wise to hire a professional trainer.

They train your dog to be obedient, teach them etiquette around humans and other animals. Some dog parents even enroll their new pups in “obedience schools”. where they even help with potty training as well.

Training builds confidence, provides mental stimulation, and boosts the human-animal bond. Retrievers are intelligent and can be trained easily. There have been numerous incidents when Retrievers have saved humans from danger. So, don’t skip their training!

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Physical Activity

Golden retrievers are playful creatures. They are called “Sports Dog” “Hunting Dog” and “Gun Dog” for a good reason. It is because in the 19th century they participated actively in sporting events. Their masters used to take them hunting and the retrievers were given the job to fetch the water howls.

Yes, Retrievers love to fetch and hike. They are very good at outdoor sports and love to play with children too.

Now that I’m done talking about their physical activity on land, let’s talk about how much they love to swim. Retrievers are natural swimmers. They do not need to be given any professional training for this. This seems natural to them because they have webbed feet like ducks.

It is said that most healthy Golden Retrievers need at least 90 minutes of high-quality exercise daily. My opinion on this is second to none. So, it’s upto you now.

Final Words

Golden Retrievers are a special dog breed and must be raised with care and affection. They aren’t fussy or rowdy dogs. On the contrary, they are family-friendly and emotional creatures.

This is why they are adopted in most households in the US. They are gentle beings with an aura of warmth and healing. It’s said that if not given the right amount of attention, your retriever can go into depression. Raising them is easy once you get the hang of it so if you’re a new parent, do not fret! Just follow what we have discussed today and everygthing will be just fine.

That’s all for today.. thanks for reading!

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