How Much To Feed A Golden Retriever Puppy?

How Much To Feed A Golden Retriever Puppy - TheFurryPuppy

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular and friendly breeds of dogs in the world and for a good reason! These friendly and energetic pups are known for their intelligence and trainability. This makes them an excellent choice for families with children or individuals who enjoy outdoor activities.

Golden retrievers have long, thick coats that usually come in shades of gold, cream, or red. Males typically weigh between 65 and 75 pounds, while females weigh somewhere around 55 to 65 pounds.

Golden retrievers are generally good with other pets and most humans. But like all other breeds, they can benefit from early socialization and training. It surely helps them become well-rounded and well-behaved dogs.

Also Read: What Are The Best Supplements For Golden Retrievers?

Furthermore, they are also prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia and skin allergies. So, it’s crucial to work with your vet to ensure your retriever fur baby stays healthy and playful.

Golden retrievers generally eat a lot. Your little bud will munch on anything they can find. So, it’s your responsibility to feed them healthily. It ensures they grow up strong and healthy.

How Much to Feed Your Retriever Pupp?

Here’s what you need to know about feeding a golden retriever puppy. Feel free to take a sneak peek-

Feeding schedule

When your puppy is about seven weeks old, I recommended you feed your bud three times a day. That includes early in the morning, midday, and early in the evening. Avoid feeding your puppy or offering water after 7 p.m. It can severely impact their housetraining.

Once your little pup is about 11-12 months old, You may feed them twice a day.

Amount of food

The specific amount of food your puppy needs will depend on its age, size, and activity level. In general, a golden retriever puppy that’s seven weeks old will eat between a third and a half a cup of dry dog food per meal.

As he grows, you may gradually increase the amount of food portions. Let’s understand this better with an example. Say, your puppy eats about 1.5 cups a day at three months old. So, accordingly, you may increase the portion size to 2.5 cups when at four month-age.

Generally speaking, male golden retriever dogs may need up to 4 cups of food a day at 6 or 7 months of age. On the other hand, female retrievers may only need 3 cups.

Also Read: How Often Do Golden Retriever Puppies Poop?

Tips on how to feed your pup buddy

When feeding your golden retriever puppy, try to create a quiet, distraction-free environment. Make sure your puppy takes at least half an hour to complete the meal.

If your puppy eats very fast, you can place an obstacle in the center of its dish to slow it down. Make sure always to have water available with all meals.

How Much to Feed When My Golden Retriever is full grown?

As your golden retriever grows into an adult, it is a no-brainer that the nutritional needs will change. Here’s what you need to know about feeding your golden retriever when he starts growing into an adult-

Caloric needs

Firstly, make sure your adult golden retriever should not consume more than 1,300 to 1,700 calories per day. However, this may vary based on factors such as your dog’s size, activity level, and health status.

For example, a very active or fully-grown golden retriever might need more than 2,000 calories per day. On the flip side, a sedentary senior dog may need less than 1,300 calories. Make sure you consult with your veterinarian to determine the right caloric intake for your adult golden retriever.

Also Read: Is My Golden Retriever Overweight – How To Know?

Variety of foods

In addition to paying attention to your dog’s caloric needs, choosing a high-quality dog food that meets its nutritional needs is utterly crucial. Again, your veterinarian can help you in this department. He will assist you in picking the right type of food for your golden retriever based on its age, size, and health status.

Feeding schedule

As with puppies, it’s important to feed your adult golden retriever at consistent times every day. You can continue to feed your adult dog twice a day or switch to one larger meal if that works better for your pet buddy.

Not to sound like a broken record, but it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian for specific advice on how much to feed your golden retriever puppy or an adult dog. They can help you exactly determine the right diet and feeding schedule based on your dog’s unique and specific needs.

The Key Takeaways

Your new puppy is so excited to meet you, and you’re so excited to bring him home. Trust me when I say this, they’re going to be your best friend in no time. And, of course, they’ll be picking up all sorts of new tricks along the way. Make sure you’re prepared for that!

I have been breeding golden retrievers and other breeds for over 16 years. So, I know my stuff when it comes to these adorable dogs. It’s important that your puppy starts its life with a good diet that will keep it healthy and playful throughout the day. That’s why I take great care and offer my puppies a quality diet from the start. And I’m sure you can do the same. All it takes is a bit of your time and patience. Above all, your love for your pet will keep things in check.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and play some fetch with your pet bud, and make sure you feed him on time! That’s all for the day……thanks for reading…..

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