Do Golden Retrievers Choose A Favourite Person?

Right off the bat, Golden retrievers are a loving, affectionate, and clever labrador breed. Their friendly nature makes them amazing family pets. But the question is, “Do Golden retrievers choose a favorite person?

Yes, Golden Retrievers do have their dear ones. A Golden favourite is generally the one with whom you spend the most time, curating a great bond. However, Golden Retrievers are extremely social dogs that share their affection with everyone they meet.

Let’s look at why Goldens become connected to certain people. Also, we will explore some common Golden Retriever personalities and why they are less likely to bond with only one person than other breeds.

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Why Do Golden Retrievers Have a Favorite Person?

Golden retrievers may have a favorite someone if they spend the majority of their time with one person. However, while the Golden Retriever may have a favorite person, they are a social breed that likes to share their affection with everyone most of the time.

Let’s take a deeper look at the social characteristics of this dog breed and find out how they get along with all of their family members.

Generally, your Golden Retriever pet will get along with everyone in the house. They are friendly dogs with lots of affection and loyalty to share. Spending just a few minutes with this dog during the day will help you build a bond that can lead to being your closest buddy all the time.

The Golden Retriever will follow everyone around with the goal of attracting interest and finding someone to play with. In some cases, your Golden Retriever will develop a stronger attachment with one person over the others in the house.

Also Read: How Do You Know If A Golden Retriever Is Happy?

If there is one person who appears to spend the most time with this dog and appears to give them the most attention, this will surely be the Golden Retriever’s favorite person. They know they can get more attention from this person and they can bond well, therefore they will stay near to this individual. 

However, it doesn’t mean that the retriever doesn’t like the other residents of the house. And by spending a little more time connecting to this dog, you may be able to convince them to alter their views and become your close buddy as well.

Because Golden Retrievers love everyone, you don’t have to worry about them having a favorite person at the cost of everyone else. Some Golden Retrievers are more able than others to create this close bond with one person in the family. They may simply feel the most at home with that individual. If someone in the house is always there and works from home while the other needs to go, the loved person will most likely be the one that gets to stay at home.

A kid is commonly taken as a favorite person by a Golden Retriever. This breed enjoys being around children, running about and playing, and attracting a lot of attention. They enjoy the company of youngsters and have a strong instinct to protect them. So don’t be surprised if this is their favorite person to be around.

How Does a Golden Retriever Choose Their Favorite Person?

When a Golden Retriever chooses a favorite person, it will be the one who pays the most attention to them. They will choose their favorite person based on who teaches them, plays with them, cuddles with them, and takes them on walks or goes outside with them.

If there is one individual in the house who spends the most time with the dog and works hard to satisfy all of their needs, the Golden Retriever will go for that person as its favorite.

Nevertheless, the good news is that the Golden Retriever is a loyal pet that gets along well with everyone. It is not rare for them to enjoy everyone in the family, and they are less likely to be picky than other dog breeds. If anyone wants to become their favorite person, all they have to do is give this dog more love and attention, and they’ll be right in. The Golden Retriever enjoys consuming attention from everyone.

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How to Become Your Golden Retreiver’s Favorite?

Well, if you’ve had your Golden since he was a puppy, forming a strong bond will be simple. Even if your Golden is older, the following steps can help you build a love bond with him:

  • Begin by working on their training and socializing: Your dog will like the attention and treats they receive during training and will connect with you with ease. The same applies to socialization, as they will like playing with other people and pups.
  • Claim your position as the food keeper: Make it clear to your puppy who controls the treats and food, and he or she will learn to look to you for the good things. They will not only associate you as the primary choice, but they will also be eager to be invited for meals.
  • Play with them every day: Spending time in the garden playing games, working on flexibility, or simply playing fetch teaches your Golden that you are the fun buddy, and they will seek your attention more frequently.

While a Golden Retriever may have a favorite person or someone with whom they are strongly connected, they are very equal opportunity dogs. Their new “favorite” person is anyone who has a free hand to rub behind their ears. They are social dogs that love any type of people and are not choosy about where they get their attention. 

A Golden Retriever will always love you. They will always be happy to see you and will express this by jumping up or getting onto your lap.

Also Read: How To Deal With An Aggressive Golden Retriever Puppy?

Wrapping up

Golden retrievers love their owners and their owners’ families, as well as anybody they meet on the street. They are gentle and affectionate attention seekers. In general, they do not lean toward a particular individual since they want to share their love with everyone.

However, because of their need for attention and love of food, you may find your Golden chasing a certain person if that someone frequently hands out treats and tummy rubs.

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