Do Golden Retriever Like Hugging?

Do Golden Retriever Like Hugging? - TheFurryPuppy

Hugging is a human expression of affection. So, naturally, you would want to express love for your Golden Retriever by hugging them. But, hold on for a moment. In general, Golden Retrievers hate hugs.

Giving your Golden Retriever a warm tight hug might make them feel stressed and nervous. Hugging is not a natural affection for dogs and might be misunderstood as aggressive, dominant, or a violation of physical space.

On the other hand, this breed is considered to be highly loving and affectionate, and would most likely accept being hugged by its owners more than any other. Instead, show your love by giving your Golden some belly rubs and ear scratches!

Let’s discuss this further….keep scrolling

Hugging Your Golden Retriever Can Cause Stress and Anxiety

I’m sure you’ve already hugged your Golden Retriever many a times by now. I get it….how could you possibly resist? But remember that what brings you joy and makes you feel loved is not the same for your pup.

This is how your doggy interprets a hug:

  • Hugging makes your Golden retriever feel trapped and unable to escape.
  • They feel restricted when you wrap your arms around them.
  • Hugging is an unusual sensation for them.
  • They feel frightened.
  • Hugging violates their personal space.
  • Hugging is a dominant or aggressive act, according to them

Also Read: Do Golden Retrievers Choose A Favourite Person?

Signs Your Golden Retriever Dislikes Being Hugged

While a few Golden Retrievers might enjoy or accept being hugged, the majority doesn’t!

The American Kennel Club claims that therapy dogs are trained to appreciate being hugged. Yet, the majority of dogs despise this gesture.

Here’s how to determine whether your Golden Retriever dislikes being hugged:

  • Their body tightens and tense.
  • They curl their tails, indicating that they are terrified.
  • Your dog attempts to escape the person who is attempting to hug them.
  • While being hugged, they turn their heads away from you.
  • Their eyes enlarge, and the whites of their eyes may be seen. Also known as moon eyes.
  • Your Dog is roaring or attempting to bite.
  • Shaking or waving.

If you see any of these indicators of dread and anxiety, it’s time to pull off and stop hugging your dog.

Also Read: How To Deal With An Aggressive Golden Retriever Puppy?

Is It Possible to Teach My Golden Retriever to Enjoy Being Hugged?

When your Golden Retriever is a pup, it is easier to teach them to like being hugged. They become used to this behavior and learn to accept it.

You may, though, teach your adult Golden to enjoy being hugged. As long as you begin slowly and always use verbal praise, your Golden will become accustomed to being hugged and may even enjoy or accept it.

The following are the measures to take:

  • Keep some snacks handy.
  • Begin by sitting next to your dog.
  • Place one hand on your dog’s back and gently rub it. Give a treat as a reward.
  • Wrap one arm gently around your puppy.
  • Continue to wrap your arm around your dog and give him a treat.
  • Wrap your arms around your dog like a hug. Reward your dog with a treat every time you move in closer.
  • Your dog will eventually connect being hugged with something nice, such as receiving treats.

Training your Golden Retriever to accept being hugged may be useful, especially when you need to keep your dog still at the vet. Do keep in mind that your dog may tolerate your hugs but will most likely not tolerate hugs from strangers.

Also Read: How Do You Know If A Golden Retriever Is Happy?

Signs Your Golden Retriever Enjoys Being Hugged

Golden retrievers will do almost anything for a treat, including being hugged.

But, if you truly want to know if your Golden appreciates the hug and not simply the treat, here are some classic symptoms:

  • Your Golden’s body feels at ease.
  • They have their mouth open and are breathing softly.
  • Their tail wags loosely and relaxedly.
  • They’re getting in close.
  • They placed their hand on you.

Helpful Suggestions for Hugging Your Golden Retriever Correctly

If you must hug your Golden Retriever, follow these pointers:

  • Never come up behind your dog. It may frighten them.
  • Teach children not to touch, mainly if your Golden is not used to or dislikes being hugged. Fear may cause your Golden to bite.
  • Hugs should be short and to the point.
  • Always study your dog’s body language to determine whether or not you should hug your dog!
  • Never embrace your dog if they hate it! Show your love in another way.

Golden Retrievers Prefer Cuddles than Be Hugged

Yes, you read that right! The more you love them, the more they will love you back. This breed is recognized for its cuddliness and devotion. Cuddling, however, should not be mistaken for being embraced. They love to snuggle up next to you on the couch or your bed, and some may even lay on your lap. This breed seems to detect when you’re sick or unhappy and sleeps next to you in the hopes of cheering you up.

Also Read: How To Know If Your Golden Retriever Loves You?

Golden Retrievers Have An Overwhelming Desire To Be Cuddled

Every Golden Retriever owner is aware of how much their dog enjoys being snuggled! And I mean it for real! If you stop cuddling your Golden Retriever even for a second, I promise it will paw at you. This is your Golden’s way of reminding you not to stop caressing them, and you should! Lol!

For the record, Golden Retrievers enjoy being touched. Scratching their ears, butt scratches, and belly massages appear to be what they most want and enjoy. You could give in and go in for a hug, but that’s not what your Golden wants. What they truly want is affection in the form of stroking.

Final Thoughts

It’s probably for the best that you can’t hug your darling Golden Retriever. It is because not all retrievers enjoy being hugged. Some may accept it if they have a close relationship with you, but the vast majority dislike it.

You may teach your Golden to accept hugs, but why not express your love in their own way? Your Golden craves belly rubs, ear scratching, and spending time with you- and that’s all you need to be focused about!

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