Why Does My Golden Retriever Have Watery Eyes?

Your Golden retriever’s eyes may tear for various reasons. If this is something new that does not seem to improve with time or appears to be increasing, I recommended having your vet check your dog’s eyes checked. That’s the best way to be sure.

But wait, that’s not it! I recommend you keep scrolling for some more useful insights.

Why my Golden Retriever’s eyes crying?

The most common cause of a Golden Retriever’s eyes’ water is the presence of a harmful object in its eyes. Watering eyes regularly might suggest that your Golden Retriever has an allergy, an infection, a corneal ulcer, or even distichia, all of which would require a veterinarian’s attention.

Simply put, it is important to see your vet if you notice any problems with your Golden Retriever’s eye. All eye problems must be treated immediately to prevent your dog from losing sight.

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Why Are Your Golden Retriever’s Eyes Watering?

These are some of the most common causes of your Golden Retriever’s eye-watering.


The medical name for wet eyes is epiphora. When your Golden Retriever’s eyes begin to water, its face will frequently become wet. This can result in an infection on your Golden Retriever’s face too.

Keeping your dog’s face clean every day might help reduce any issues with extreme watering of the eyes.


If your dog has an allergy, you may notice that its eyes are constantly watering. Dust and other environmental irritants can enter your dog’s eye and its painful. If your Golden Retriever does have allergies, you can treat their eyes with allergy eye drops.

A Benadryl allergy medicine might also be helpful. A common Benadryl dose is 1mg per pound twice a day. As a result, a 50-pound dog would require two adult pills twice a day. If your dog has severe allergies, your veterinarian can prescribe additional allergy drugs.

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Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is an infection of the conjunctiva. For starters, it is the tissue that covers the eye. The eye region will become very red and irritated, possibly leading to infection. Skin infections, eyelashes, allergies, and viral or bacterial infections are the most common reasons.

To clean the eye, you can use contact water wash. However, this is temporary and hardly cures the problem. Your Golden Retriever will frequently require medicated eye drops. When placing drops into your dog’s eye, always wash your hands since pinkeye may be exceedingly communicable from one animal to another and even to humans.

Corneal Ulceration

This is probably the most common eye condition found in all dog breeds. When the top of a Golden Retriever’s eye is damaged, a cornea ulcer develops. This will result in an irritation or ulcer on your dog’s eye’s surface.

Corneal ulcers can get so large that they cause the eyeball to burst. If you notice a bluish-grey speck on the surface of your Golden Retriever’s eye, you should take him to the vet immediately. Your veterinarian will use a special color to see the ulcer in your dog’s eye. If your dog has an ulcer, it will require eye medicines and other medications to cure.

Because a cornea ulcer is incredibly painful, your dog may also require painkillers. Most dogs with corneal ulcers will also need to wear a ring of fear to keep from touching their eyes. Ulcers may be extremely painful and irritating, forcing your dog to paw at its eye, and causing further damage.

Object in their eye

If your dog plays outside or runs about in the woods, something might easily become stuck in its eye. Grass seeds, sand, and needles are common objects that become stuck in the eye. If you find anything in your dog’s eye, you can try to remove it with water. Your vet may need to medicate your dog for you to remove anything from its eye. Unwanted things might easily hurt your dog’s eye and cause an infection. They can even pierce your dog’s eye, requiring immediate eye surgery. So, be careful!

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Distichia is the medical name for having eyelids that are in the wrong position. This frequently results in eyelashes growing into your dog’s eye. This might hurt your dog’s eye and cause an infection. If your dog does have distichia, you must consult your vet.

Many of these lashes are soft and cause no problems. But, sometimes these lashes are quite difficult to remove. The two ways to treat their eyes are,

  • The simplest non-surgical solution is to apply ointment to your dog’s eye regularly. This is something you would have to do every day for the remainder of your dog’s life.
  • Another option for treating these concerns is to use electrolysis or cryotherapy to remove the eyelashes.

What can my veterinarian do to treat my dog’s wet eyes?

If your dog has a serious illness, an additional eyelash, or anything stuck in their eye, you should visit a doctor from your veterinarian first. Your vet will prescribe medicine to help reduce pain and irritation in your dog’s eye and stop it from watering.

What are some home remedies for watery eyes?

If your dog’s eyes are only mildly watering, this may not be a problem. Many times, you can maintain their face clean and dry by washing their eyes with water and using a gentle cloth. If your dog’s eyes are wet and they are also straining, this indicates that there is something more serious going on and you should take it to the doctor.

If your dog’s eyes are watering that creating a layer of water on their face, you may clean their eyes using special wipes. Lid and Lash Wipes are among the best eye wipes for your pet bud.

End Note

Your Golden Retrievers’ eyes may be watering for a bunch of reasons. I advise you to first try to figure out what is causing these problems so that you can address them properly. Many eye problems can worsen in no time. So, it is best to see a vet as soon as you notice anything strange.

It’s a no-brainer that the quicker you begin treating their issues, the faster and easier your dog will heal.

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