11 Secrets Of Golden Retriever

11 Secrets Of Golden Retriever - TheFurryPuppy

If you’re a fan of this intelligent and affectionate breed, you’re in the right place. I will be sharing with you some interesting and lesser-known facts about these amazing pets. From physical features to their personality and behaviour, I am here to unveil all sorts of facts that make Golden Retrievers so special.

So, let’s dive in and learn more about this lovable fur-bud together. Whether you’re a seasoned Golden Retriever owner or are just thinking of adopting one, I hope you’ll find this one helpful and interesting.

So, without any ado, here are 11 Secrets of Golden Retrievers that you might not know!

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1. Golden retrievers have double coats

Golden Retrievers have two layers of fur that work together to keep them protected from the harsh elements of nature. The outer coat is long and smooth, while the undercoat is softer and frizzier. These two layers work in sync to shield your fur baby from the sun, cold, and moisture.

2. Red golden retrievers are purebred

The striking red coat of the Red Golden Retriever is believed to be inherited from its ancestors, the Irish Setter. Red Golden Retrievers are similar in size to regular Golden Retrievers, with males weighing between 65 and 75 pounds and standing 23 to 24 inches tall.

On the other hand, females weigh about 55 to 65 pounds and stand 21 ½ to 22 ½ inches tall. While they might look slightly different from the typical Golden Retriever, they are still purebred.

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3. Golden retrievers need one to two hours of exercise every day

Golden Retrievers are energetic dogs that need plenty of physical activity to stay strong and healthy. In fact, they require one to two hours of exercise every day to keep their minds and bodies active. This can include activities like walking, running, playing fetch, and more.

Providing your Golden Retriever with regular exercise not only keeps them fit and healthy, but it can also help prevent behavior problems and improve their overall well-being.

4. Golden retrievers’ fur color changes as they age

The color of a Golden Retriever’s coat can change as they mature. When they’re puppies, their coats may be lighter in color and may change as they get older. Around the age of 12 weeks, their permanent coat color begins to appear.

In some cases, the fur may become lighter as the dog ages. In addition to their coat color changing, Golden Retrievers also tend to become calmer as they get older.

Also Read: 5 Types Of Golden Retriever

5. Black golden retrievers are not purebred

Just to clarify, the Black Golden Retriever is not an official breed recognized by organizations like the American Kennel Club. Instead, it is a mixed breed resulting from a cross between a Black Labrador and an Australian Shepherd.

6. Golden retrievers were hero dogs in the 9/11 attacks

As a dog lover, the heroic actions of the “Hero Dogs” who assisted in the search and rescue efforts following the 9/11 attacks inspire me. One of these brave dogs was Riley, a Golden Retriever who tirelessly worked to locate victims and helped find the bodies of several firemen.

The bravery and determination of these dogs amaze me. As a result, it’s no surprise that Golden Retrievers continue to be valued for their intelligence and loyalty.

Also Read: 10 Fun Facts About Golden Retrievers

7. Golden retrievers have a fast growth rate

Golden Retrievers have a fast growth rate, which means that they can reach their full size in just a few months. This is important to keep in mind if you’re adopting a Golden Retriever puppy. You’ll need to provide them with the right amount of food, exercise, and care to support their rapid growth.

8. Approximately 60% of golden retrievers are affected by cancer

Yes, you read that right! About 60% of Retrievers develop cancer at some point in their lives. This high rate compared to other breeds makes it important to be aware of the potential for cancer in them. But, no worries! You can consult with your veterinarian to monitor your dog’s health and overcome this with ease.

Also Read: Can A Golden Retriever Live For 15 Years?

9. Golden retrievers seldom use “ear language” to communicate

One thing you might notice about Golden Retrievers is that they don’t use “ear language,” or the position of their ears, to communicate as much as some other breeds. It is because their ears are large and floppy, which means that they don’t have as much control over their movement.  

Instead, they use body language and vocalizations to express themselves.

10. Golden retrievers display emotions through their mouths

If you’re a Golden Retriever owner, you might have noticed that these dogs have a knack for expressing their feelings through their mouths. For example, you might see your dog show their teeth, lick its lips, or hold its muzzle open or closed to communicate its emotions.

If their mouth is slightly open, it could mean that they are happy or relaxed. On the other hand, if they are licking their lips, it might be a sign of stress or discomfort. It’s important to pay attention to your dog’s body language, including its mouth, to better understand how they are feeling.

11. Golden retrievers can suffer from separation anxiety

Golden Retrievers can suffer from separation anxiety if they’re left alone for long periods of time. This can manifest as destructive behavior or excessive barking. It’s important to work with a veterinarian or a dog behaviorist to address separation anxiety in your dog.

Final Words

Golden retrievers are a medium to large breed of dog known for their friendly and affectionate nature. They have a strong, athletic build with a broad head and well-defined muzzle. Moreover, their coat can be either straight or wavy and is typically a lustrous shade of gold.

Their intelligence and trainability, in addition to their physical characteristics, make them popular choices for service and therapy work. They are also great with children and other pets, making them an excellent choice for families and individuals alike.

So, if you’re considering adopting a golden retriever, you’re in for a treat! These amazing dogs have a lot of love to give and are sure to bring joy and companionship to your life.

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