10 Fun Facts About Golden Retrievers

10 Fun Facts About Golden Retrievers - TheFurryPuppy

There’s an age-old saying “Dog is man’s best friend.” Oh, yes, we’ve all heard this multiple times. And it’s true, no denying!  We can say that for all kinds of dogs but I’m going to be a little biased here and say “Golden Retrievers” are human’s best friends.

Quite a popular breed around the world, Retrievers are known for their shiny golden furry coat. If you’ve been thinking of seeking therapy, just get yourself a retriever!

These naughty canines are actually gentle, easy-going, and loyal to the end. You can find them in Canada, USA, and England with certain distinct features. They differ based on their color, weight, and coat type due to their breeding and the climate. You will come across cream, white, lightly golden, and dark golden retrievers.  Rarely, golden retrievers with red shades are mistaken for Irish Setters.

Also Read: How To Know If Your Golden Retriever Loves You?

Regularly featured in movies and shows, retrievers are adored in every dog-loving household. A couple of them have even been featured in the Guinness Book of World Records. Be it for the loudest bark or the ability to hold a maximum number of tennis balls in their mouth, retrievers are in the limelight everywhere.

It’s not possible one may not know what a golden retriever is, their beautiful silky structure cannot miss any eye.

There are so many fun facts about our furry friend but we had to restrict our number to only eleven for today. So I hand-picked the best ones for you.-

Origin of Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers were originally bred in Scotland by Sir Dudley Marjoribanks (Lord Tweedmouth) in the 19th century. The story goes like Lord Tweedmouth purchased a “yellow retriever” named Nous from a cobbler in Brighton.

It’s said that the flat-coated Retriever was cross-bred with Tweed Water Spaniels, named Belle, another breed purchased by him. So, it is believed that Golden Retrievers are descendants of Nous and Belle.


Retrievers are said to be family-friendly dogs and for a good reason. They love to please their owner and thus are always willing to play. They gel easily with children, cats, adults, and other dogs too.

Retrievers love to play fetch and are always in the mood to help their masters.

They were earlier used in farms as well to fetch things. furthermore, goldens are passionate creatures and get highly upset when left alone for long durations.

Also Read: How Do You Know If A Golden Retriever Is Happy?

Two-layer Coat

The Golden Retriever’s coat is made of two parts. One is the long and smooth overcoat and below that is the soft and fuzzy undercoat. These two layers protect the retriever from the harsh rays of the sun, heat, moisture, and cold.

Rescue and Service/working dogs

Retrievers are usually employed as Rescue and Service dogs. They are quick learners, intelligent, trainable, and gentle. Their ability to adapt to the situation makes them the perfect candidates for the job. Also, they are popularly known as working dogs because of their love for work.

Nature’s pets

Retrievers love playing outdoors. They are highly energetic and love playing around. They are fond of fetching and going for hikes. If you want a four-pawed partner for your next hiking trip, you know what to do!

Passion for Swimming

Did you know Retrievers have webbed feet like ducks? They are known to be water lovers and natural swimmers. Their bodies are built to swim and they love being in the water.

The Oldest Retriever

The average life of a golden retriever is 10-12 years and the longest a retriever has lived is for 20 years and 11 months. Augie, a golden retriever from Tennessee is believed to be the only retriever that has lived for more than 20 years.

Healers/Therapy Dogs

Golden retrievers have a calming, soothing, and comforting aura. They can empathize and try their best to console you in your lowest times.

Don’t waste your money on therapists, rather invest in a golden retriever. Just spending some quality time with them is equal to therapy. Their loving nature will never let you feel unloved or irrelevant.

Also Read: How Many Puppies Do Golden Retrievers Have?

American Retriever v English Retriever

Its believed that the Golden Retriever from the US is different from that in the UK.

  • English retrievers are more laid-back as compared to American retrievers. American retrievers are more energetic compared to UK Retrievers
  • Generally, English Retrievers weigh five pounds more than American Retrievers
  • English Retriever has a wavy and silky coat in light cream or white as compared to golden whereas American Retriever has a shiny and long silky coat in yellow, red, or white.
  • The coat of the English Retriever is less thick compared to an American Retriever

Retrievers and Hunters

Did you know that in the mid-19th century, Retrievers were used as “gun dogs”(hunting dogs) to assist hunters to retrieve shot waterfowl during hunting and shooting parties? Yes, that’s how they got named “Retrievers”. They were bred especially to Retrieve the hunt from land and sea.

High IQ

Another interesting fact about the Golden retriever is that it is very intelligent and has a high IQ. It is ranked fourth among 138 breeds depending on their intelligence. Well, that is also the reason why they are a part of the Rescue team. They can read human emotions and communicate in their own way. They are quick to train and hard-working. also, retrievers are responsible enough to carry out the action themselves once trained properly.

Also Read: Can Golden Retrievers Have Blue Eyes?

Final Thoughts

Loved by all, these cute little dogs have won the hearts of people worldwide for centuries now. They have gained such popularity because of their lively, loving nature, loyalty, and friendliness. Even the two Presidents of America could not resist adopting them while in office.

These were some facts about golden retrievers that most people didn’t know.

If you’ve got one, I can assure you that you’re never going to feel lonely again. Trust me when I say this: Retrievers are excellent companions. You just need to give them time, love, and care and see how they give back much more in return.

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